Unhinged guy writes threatening book
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These slogans don’t mean anything or make sense. When Israel was “Palestine”, it was under British control and for the specific purpose of Zionism. Lolol
You don’t mean “free”. You mean “free of Jews”. You mean “Islamic hegemony”. Where and when was that ever “freedom”?! Hahaha
You’re promoting terrorism.
You just admitted to supporting terrorism. You guys are not at all capable of honesty or anything other than this text book, specious, self-deluding cynicism and projection. It’s nothing but rhetoric. You can’t address any of the simple facts I mentioned. “Palestine” is synonymous with internationally recognized, legal, natural Jewish nationalism, with Zionism, and is a European, Christian imperial term, never an Arab national identity or an Islamic concept. You literally have no other way to explain your claim, then to mirror Jewish identity. It’s been Judea and Israel for over 3,000 years. It was never “Palestine”, except under Roman occupation, first, and British Mandate, FOR Jews, last. It’s the Jews who’ve been occupied for 2,000 years, the last 1,400 by Muslim imperialist, expansionist, colonial occupation. That’s not different than Roman occupation? Making Israel “Palestine”, would mean giving it to Italy or the British, both who recognized its Jewish identity, as did the first Muslim occupiers who called it “Israel”, as the Quran does. Why not just make an honest claim, that Arab Muslim wanted it to be “Syria”, but invented “Jordan” instead? Should “Jordan” become “Palestine”, again, too? Arabs never had national independence, UNTIL the end of imperialism, which was Ottoman MUSLIM occupation in the region. Zionism and the League of Nations supporting Arabs in the defeat of the Ottomans is the ONLY reason Arabs established ALL of their first independent states in the recent decades. Nobody ended an Arab nation called “Palestine”. Nobody prevented Arab independence across the region, except Islamist Nazis who still simply deny 3,000+ years of Jewish nationalism in the land. Why embarrass yourself by lying to yourself? It’s so childish. You must know better. Try it.
You’re still just engaging in sarcastic, specious, cynical rhetoric, devoid of fact. You actually can’t have a discussion. Try it. Seriously, use your own words and one fact. The “Apartheid” was 1,400 years of Islamic imperialism. The suffering of Arabs occupying Judea and Samaria is only caused by their own choice and preference not to accept Israel’s very existence. You need the suffering, to justify more fighting, because the agenda was never Arab nationalism, but Islamic domination and no Jewish state. Your slogans that don’t make sense are all you have, by choice.
Not only do you have to imitate Jewish identity, which only proves the point that Jewish identity is a 3,000+ year old nationality, but you stoop so low as to imitate Black African identity!!! It would be funny, if it wasn’t so insulting to intelligence and to Black history. It’s just ironic, since White supremacy colonizing and oppressing Black Africa is actually like Arab Muslim imperialism occupying what has been Jewish for twice as long as Islam has existed and its Arab founders have been invading and occupying, oppressing and committing “Apartheid” and worse. It’s almost hilarious that you embrace our Zionist and the European word for “invaders”, as your newfound identity. Why isn’t being “Arab” eniugh?
re: you're putting a lot of effort into this and I'm just gonna keep shitposting. This is the Internet my dude.
That’s an admission of ignorance.
You put effort into not making sense. But you can’t put effort into being honest for a moment. And then you hide your ignorance and dishonesty behind “the internet”, as a creature with no values, again, explaining the mentality behind your hateful agenda.
You’re the poster child for suicide bombers. Congratulations
How much does working for the outlawed Hamas terrorist organization pay?
re: IDK I'm not a democrat, nobody pays me for this other than my adoring customers.
That doesn’t mean anything. What does that imply, that you’re a Republican who supports antisemitic terrorist groups? You’re selling Hamas propaganda, no matter what party you vote for.
“Buddy I'm well aware of the murky legality of the whole deal I just don't like apartheid states or being a puppet state to a country the side of New Jersey, but hey this is the most serious response any of my hate letters has gotten so kudos for that. Stay mad kid.”
Not buddy - I’m not mad or a kid. You don’t know the legality status. I’m enjoying this, or I wouldn’t waste my time. You want the attention. You’re motivated by anger and glory in madness. You’re projecting. You’re also dedicating your life to doing what you say that you hate about the groups that you target and illegally incite death threats against. You’re defined and ruled by the obsessive hatred you direct at others, which is really because you hate yourself and life.
Instead of other options, like positive ways to help change the negative things that you look for to justify your having given up on life, you cowardly hide behind a curtain of specious rhetoric about “it’s the internet”, “I’m just shitpostng”, “it’s the brand”, as if you have no will or particular agenda, as if you’re programmed AI, when your pattern is a scripted political scheme acting out in the same droll way across the planet, including by a very successful Israeli who alone created tens of thousands of AI trolls who seem human.
It’s not just “the brand”. The “brand” that you’re selling is definitively Nazism, except not as honest about it as Nazis were. It’s not free speech or equal opportunity “shitposting”, as evidenced by never targeting other Antisemites, BLM or America’s or Israel’s radical Islamist & Communist stalkers. You’re a stalker. I don’t shop for art looking for a fight with an agent of destruction who I know can’t be reasoned with. It’s the sane persona every time, just like it’s obvious that you’re inflating your own “clout”, which is only utilized to sow the seeds of the despotic agenda that you pretend not to represent.
No human who isn’t criminally insane or being paid could be proud or casual about what you’re doing or not know that they’re promoting what is equal to Nazism, to which people like you say is only a way to silence the true patriots etc. That’s one reason why your shield of shitposting isn’t credible, which is also verified by your use of the scripted, absurd, pathetic, weak and paranoid antisemitic trope about Israel ruling the US like a puppet. It’s from the perspective of Iranian Mullahs and citizen in Hamas’ Islamist, Nazi terrorist state in Gaza.
No, Israel isn’t a terrorist stare. And, no, radical, antisemitic Islamic terrorism whose elected officials and government platform is derived from a fascist organization who glorified the killing of Jews and opposed Jewish independence before Israel’s independence was legally re-established and internationally recognized. They believe in Islamic supremacy, hegemony and imperialist, expansionist occupation, Apartheid, extermination and global domination, as Allah supposedly promised them.
Their founding charter includes support for actual historic German Nazism, as well as Islamic quotes that make killing Jews everywhere the sanctified duty of all “true believers”. It’s not a natural response to the existence or action of Israel which have thus far defended its existence from such intentions and attempts. It’s a religiously motivated ideology that served as Hitler’s mold and model for his own plan to radicalize the masses, to exterminate Jews, and take control over the world.
Hitler was taught by the founder of the movement to fabricate an political Arab national identity, manufactured to prevent Jewish independence, as a front for an apocalyptic, Islamic belief. That is not a reaction to bad Jewish behavior. Hitler then founded his own godless religion of worshipping hatred and an identity “based” on antisemitism. It was also masked as a national political movement. Nazism also made a nation of robotic anti-Jews, with no identity of their own, only the pitiful, humiliating self-loathing and self-directed dehumanization of themselves.
Hitler, like you, saw human beings as animals” who evidently have no free will but merely a “base” instinct to prey upon Jews, the very people whose creed is founded in the intellectual awareness of a universal One G*d, the intelligent source of life, who created humans in His own “image”, with equal and self-evident value, requiring the protection of our human dignity and specifically to not be animals.
The Arab Muslim opposition to Israel pre-dates anything that you now use to justify violence and is actually the only source of this conflict, which is rooted in their religious extremism. The suffering of a population weaponized to exterminate another, with religious zeal, is their victimization by their own society’s indoctrination and delusions. Islamism is like the German Nazism and other Fascists that it was allied with, who emulated Islamic antisemitism’s euphoric devotion. Pan-Arabist racism and Muslim supremacy against Jews predates European fascism and helped to create it, just as Islamism is a longer ruling and more violent imperialism than its European counterparts that it now ironically blames for everything Islamic extremism causes and then uses to justify more of.
Nobody strapping bombs to their own children, being happy to call them “martyrs”and officially celebrating the murder of Jewish children, has any moral credibility, especially when pretending to support Nazism in the defense of innocence, as you do by repeating Hamas propaganda about “Apartheid”. You’re the cry-babies crying wolf and guilty of everything you accuse your targets of. You’re the puppet of an Apartheid regime the size of a small county in New Jersey, who hates everything America represents and who hates Israel for representing those same modern, Western ideas.
That is why you pose as a “based”, Right-wing Republican, yet support the Marxist Leftist antisemitism of BLM, and never oppose America’s enemies, but wish more than anything to portray Israel as the US’s enemy. It’s a designed strategy that has no shame in its murderous goals, and the lies that promote it, and no capability of intellectual honesty or rational debate, which is why none of you can stand in the light of day and debate this. It’s why you disgustingly adopt the language traditionally describing the Jewish people’s history of nationalism in Israel, while denying Jewish history and most insultingly and disgustingly accusing Jews of Nazism, while literally waving Nazi flags and sharing Nazism’s legacy of “final solution”.
Prove me wrong. Start selling merchandise that calls for making the world free of Arabs, Muslims or antisemitic BLM racists, you know, “Democrats” whose tears you drink and whose identity politics you hate them crying about, or their undo influence over US policy. You parasites even hijacked Black history to piggy back your supremacism on, just as Communism portrays itself as a civil rights platform, to manipulate racial groups into sedition against Western civilization.
The very grossest deceit that really exposes the fact that Arab Muslims don’t have a legitimate justification for their agenda, is the accusation that Jewish independence is really White supremacist imperialism targeting Arabs as “Black and Brown” victims of racism, when there has been no worse villains towards Jews than those White Supremacist who you compare Jews to and who Arab Muslim antiZionism was allied with and are still the living legacy of. Not to mention, Muslims still allow slavery and are themselves trying to resurrect their 1400 year old imperial occupation and Apartheid that prevented Jewish independence and never used the term “Palestine” or ever established any Arab nation in Israel or any Muslim political power structure ruling from the land or with a capital in Jerusalem.
There was a total of 4,000 disparate Arab Muslim migrants workers and colonials in Jerusalem, in the decades before Zionism began, who had no historic connection to the land and no notion of being a nation called “Palestine”. There were more than twice as many Jews, who were a majority in all of the four historic holy cities and who had a 3,000 year national presence. 70% of the Arab Muslim population now claiming to have a 5,000 year old Philistine national entity arrived in the land, after Britain defeated the non-Arab, Islamic Ottoman imperial Turkish powers. The Muslims who occupied Israel never recognized an entity called “Palestine”, or an independent Arab state. They ruled the region they occupied by force from their own far away land and didn’t care about Jerusalem.
Arab Muslim opposition to Zionism prompted the plan to illegally send as many Arabs and Muslim into the land, to establish a population large enough to prevent the Jewish population from establishing any majority or territorial integrity for itself. Zionism’s pioneering provided economic opportunities that were ironically used by the enemies of Zionism to establish themselves and thwart Zionism’s success. They arrived in masses, having no previous national claims, when the land had just been officially named “Palestine” by the British, under the international authority of the League of Nations.
The term “Mandate” refers to the internationally recognized and coordinated plans to establish national independence for peoples previously ruled by foreign imperialism. That’s the only time “Palestine”was used by any rulers of the land, and was only ever the name of a stateless land, which was as at the same time then designated for the re-establishment of the 3,000 year old Jewish homeland. Palestine, before 1948, as you’re calling to make a first-ever Arab state in, by destroying Israel, is intrinsically Jewish and Zionist. The borders of the land which your map depicts were those established by the legal authorities of the Mandate of Palestine, as the Jewish homeland. Mandates were granted for several new Arab states that never existed before, with names that never existed and in places Arabs were not in, actually importing populations. Zionism never opposed Arab nationalism and only achieved independence in 1% of the region, where they have a 20% Arab population living more safely than Arab Muslims in their own totalitarian states, in the only democratic state there.
“I’m just shitposting. It’s the internet. It’s my brand”, “I’m a based patriot who’s heart bleeds for Nazis who aren’t succeeding at killing Jews this time! How dare these Jews provoke us by living!”
I know. You're already being scooped.
re: Hi mom.