
Clout Engine's Cesspool of Bad Takes


Today is a special day in American history and people are still getting their panties in a twist about it. Four years ago, American patriots took a stand by falling into a fed honeypot. January 6 2025 will be remembered more fondly because on this day, New Christian Order was launched!

New Christian Order is more than a merch store. It is a network of Christian small business owners with a mission of restoring American values. We consider this a major step in creating a parallel economy to combat the tides of socialism and globalism. In due time, this website will be the first place a socially conscious person will look for goods and services, so they can patronize pro-America businesses. Every dollar transacted with fellow patriots is a dollar that doesn't go into the hands of the Waltons or some other such globalist family. Of course, it's even better if you use crypto or bullion to transact. We hope that some of these vendors will be offering this in the future.

Side note: not a lot of people do it, but you can order our merch with Bitcoin! Just fill out our contact form to request a custom order and we can arrange a private sale in crypto.


SEO can be a powerful tool for businesses big and small. If you're trying to get off the ground, SEO can take you there - if certain conditions are met. Once you know what SEO is, you can decide if it is right for you.

Check out the full story here:

In the future, we will write the blog post first and then do the video - so you don't get shitty half-ass posts like this.


Pepe Unchained dropped a bit over a week ago and it quickly became the talk of the town - boasting a layer 2 ecosystem and several exciting features that ultimately promise fast and low-fee transactions. But will people actually use it to transact? People don't even use bitcoin to transact because we live in a society of cowards who are glued to their gay fiat dollars and state-sanctioned places of consumption. Shoutout to Domino's for being the only globo corporation to make some capitalistic moves like using crypto and building a freaking road (thus solving the ancient libertarian catchphrase).

This project has some of the telltale signs of a rugpull, but it also shows some promise. Time will tell if it will be the shiba inu to pepe's doge, an analogy we stole from one of the commenters on coinmarketcap.

View our full "analysis" here:

Get your ETH ready! You can use MetaMask to get the token. Check out for more info about the project.

I bought in on the hype and didn't sell in time, so I'm in for the hodl - or the baghold. We'll find out!


Hear ye hear ye – a new fraud king has been declared; one David Smith of Stamford, Connecticut. Unfortunately, we found out about him through the Stamford Advocate’s report on his denial of a plea deal.

Naturally, his scheme involved DoorDash. But homeboy wasn’t just telling Pajeet at DoorDash support that their shit didn’t come or that it made him sick. He had a very elaborate scheme, and he managed to drain the paychecks of dashers. While we don’t condone this ethically, it has given us intel on phishing and social engineering that will inform our future fraud protection practices.

Buddy would initiate an order, usually to California addresses. Then he would use an app to spoof the number of DoorDash support and call the driver to tell them that the order was placed with a stolen card and the dasher’s account would be frozen. The dashers were told to verify themselves to unfreeze the account, and Smith would send them a link to a phishing website that mimicked DoorDash’s support pages. Through this method, he gained access to their DoorDash accounts, changed their bank info to one of his own debit cards, and cashed out the dashers’ pay. Any dasher with half a brain would have seen through this but apparently, it worked a shitload of times because he was able to siphon nearly a million dollars over the course of a few years.


Shortly after Trump was declared the winner of the 2024 election, dozens of headlines appeared on my feed about these racist texts being sent to black people about being selected for plantation work. Some of the texts include information about which labor group the people were assigned to and what color the van that would transport them to the plantation would be. Some of them were signed by “a Trump supporter”.

The text messages have been reported nationwide with some sources claiming they began with recipients in Ohio, Virginia, or California. The FBI is “investigating”. Seems like someone, or rather several groups of someones, paid a data broker and then filtered out black citizens to target them for these text messages.

Nothing about this says MAGA to anyone who has been paying attention. Wignats don’t like Trump because he’s too libertarian and too friendly to Our Greatest Ally. Trump supporters are by and large very inclusive. Instead, it screams fake news – and the people aren’t buying it. We’ve had 4 years of Sleepy Joe and 4 years of The Donald, and the people have come to realize that things were better under The Donald.

People of all races and backgrounds have taken to the comments sections of these numerous articles to declare that they simply don’t believe this hate speech is organic. It had to have come from a leftist group or some government agency – possibly even the FBI who are the ones “investigating” it. I’m not going to lie, I’m too lazy to do a deep dig on this. I want one of our loyal readers to come back to me with a full report once they’ve gotten into the weeds with it. I just know that this weak attempt at threatening and harassing our black friends did not come from the right.

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TDS (Trump derangement syndrome) is now a single-issue thing. The internet is exploding with an abundance of videos of libtards crying about the 2024 election results. But they’re all foids and they’re all saying the same thing. They’re all worried about their right to murder a baby. It’s pathetic. We can laugh about it all we want, but there’s something serious to discuss behind it.

Camel-toe Harris brought this in last minute because she knew she was losing and she and her strategists knew it was a morally difficult issue and it's all the fans have been flapping their gums about for years. It’s the one thing they have. They can’t beat Trump on the economy or on the border or on any other issue. Like I’ve already stated in other pieces, we’ve had 4 years of Sleepy Joe and 4 years of Trump and it should be readily apparent to anyone with eyes and ears (and who doesn’t surrender their judgment to the so-called experts) that King Trump did a far better job. But abortion is a tough issue. And I do gotta admit that the leftoids have a point about losing their rights because these inbred fucking idiots in the deep south and in retard colonies such as Texas and Oklahoma seem to think that there shouldn’t be exceptions for rape, incest, birth defects, health of the mother, so on and so forth.


The following is a recovered entry from our previous blog.

Have you always known there was something wrong with the world? The 2008 housing crisis and the ongoing education bubble, 9/11, BlackRock… We aren’t here to drop redpills but if you are the kind of person who prefers to see things for what they are than to indulge in fantasy, chances are you have asked yourself some tough questions about the fundamental nature of society and humanity itself. If not, there isn’t much we can do for you. But if so, read on. You may already know of some ways you can push back and free yourself from the fake economy that is forced upon us. You may have already realized that as we put it, the world runs on bullshit! You may already practice what we call countereconomics.

In 2018, the last iteration of our company began with the vision of taking some of the bullshit out of our day to day transactions. Our goal was to make life easier for everyone so that our modern services work better. We were a ragtag group of entrepreneurs and traders who each brought their unique experience and expertise to the table. We built a comprehensive strategy for consistent self-improvement for businesses big and small, making extensive use of internal auditing to identify problems and inefficiencies. In doing so, we identified a number of ways that most people are not being properly educated for the workforce in conventional education. Many employers are taking advantage of unscrupulous young people, effectively forcing the emerging professional class to accept greatly diminished living standards. We wanted to teach practitioners and small business owners the often neglected but simple truths of economics as well as the many ways that they are getting screwed from the top down in Fraudworld. The unfortunate truth is that we, as a society as a whole, have allowed this to happen to us, even if largely out of ignorance. The good news is that there is much of it that can be undone. Of course, a lot of our wisdom comes from classic self help books and other such bullshit – which we will reference and catalogue for all of our program participants!


Short answer: no.

You probably know someone who got hired in tech with just their portfolio. They're self-taught, self-made, and the idol everyone points to. Taking a tech boot camp can be a good start to becoming this, but if you aren't someone who develops in their own time, you will never be hired on your portfolio. Boot camp alone will not prepare you for this. You need to be someone who eats breathes and sleeps code. Try reverse engineering a few projects from other programmers to see if you can figure out how it works. Take the remote apart and see if you can put it back together.

Boot camp will give you the very basics of a few programming languages. You will graduate with a portfolio, but not one that demonstrates sufficient skills to get hired. It would be like applying to be an engineer with a Lego set you created. You learn through guided examples that will be cookie-cutter as portfolio pieces. There may even be a chance that the recruiter who sees your job application has seen those exact examples in other job applications. This goes back to what I already said about making it your passion to code on your own time. If you want to be a self-made coder, having your hand held through these examples can be a good start, but then it will still take a great deal of time and effort on your own. You will have to develop your own projects and demonstrate more advanced and integrated skills.


We've gotten a few complaints from customers that they love our designs but that they fade over time. What do you do then? Buy another of course!

But [not so much] kidding aside, if you want to keep your graphic tees and other apparel from fading, please follow the care instructions. You can find them on the inside tag of your garment. Don't be that autistic guy who cuts it off and discards it. If you are that guy, at least read and remember the proper washing settings before you throw it away.

Most people, especially men, mix up all their laundry to get it all done at once but each garment will want specific settings based on the material used and the methods of applying graphics.

The style of printing we use on most of our shirts calls for washing and drying at a lower temperature. The dryer especially can spell death for these items. Hot drying can cause the graphic to fade or peel as it loses adhesion to the fabric. In most cases, this is the main cause for fading. We also recommend using a gentle wash and dry cycle. High speed tumbling may cause the graphic to rub off. For those patient enough, best longevity of the products comes from line drying rather than machine drying. Using a stain remover before washing can do wonders for your items. Some people also report that using a fabric softener has adverse effects on the item quality. Do not use excessive amounts of detergent like my ex-wife does.


If you haven't noticed, our blog content is gone! You can't even wayback it!

We have two theories as to what happened. The more prevalent and plausible theory is that our SEO guy fucked up the website by deleting some of our pages. As you may know, we have already dealt with shadow bans and being barred from Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other sources of traffic. Therefore, we rely pretty heavily on word of mouth and letting our products speak for themselves in the field. One way to help our situation, or so we thought, was to improve our presence in search engine results. We took a chance with a fresher to help him get some experience and to save us some money. Unfortunately, he botched the whole thing and ended up deleting several of our pages. For a while, we didn't even have our shop integrated with the website! We had to fire the guy within the week. If you're reading this, no hard feelings buddy. I'm sure you'll be a great web consultant some day!

Another less plausible theory that has been kicked around the office is cyber attack. The issue occurred around the same time that we were receiving threats of legal action and cyber attacks from haters on Etsy. It is unknown how one of these people could have gained access or why they didn't take the whole site down (or replace it with Hello Kitty or pro-zio propaganda) if they had the chance. This probably didn't happen but it would explain the disruption to our operations.

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In a world saturated with meme apparel and cookie-cutter looks, donning a weird hat is a straight-up rebellion. A love letter to uniqueness. But, just like any other epic journey, wearing that standout hat from Clout Engine isn't all rainbows and sunshine. There's an emotional odyssey awaiting each wearer, and here's your roadmap.
